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How could Assembly bill 4446 prevent…

From what we are hearing right now is that NJ assembly bill 4446 has been put on hold (unconfirmed) for mandating MH education in grade schools. Not such a good idea, but some are talking about an “opt-in” law preventing the bill from passing.

Way too many times we hear  from big box news, after the fact, interviewing neighbors, friends, relatives, even teachers; He was troubled, there was something off about her! They were evil. Even National news headline such as FBI- “He came into the Alaska Field office and said he heard voices (later walking out, boarding an airplane, landing in Fl. shooting a crowd in the airport).

If properly and detailed plans are laid out and to be carried out,  with this wonderful NJ Assembly bill 4446 could change not only the quality of life but possibly, significantly lower; bullying, suicides, mass shootings, and yes, even homelessness rates. Requiring Mental health education and awareness to be integrated into schools could ultimately enhance the quality of life for everyone in their community.

How can this even help? This  Bill that is waiting for the Governor’s signature would   “recognize the multiple dimensions of health by

36 including mental health and the relationship of physical and mental
37 health so as to enhance student understanding, attitudes, and
38 behaviors that promote health, well-being, and human dignity.”-ASSEMBLY, No. 4446 STATE OF NEW JERSEY 218th LEGISLATURE. After all, in general; what kids learn in school, they take home and majority of the time pass it on to the parents?

C.I.T.  is being taught to law enforcement, educators, first responders and dispatchers, as well as people in the medical field. Mental Health first aid training is being taught all over NJ to anyone who wished to take the training, all year around. How can this bill prevent homelessness and incarceration? Hmmm, If “the signs” and symptoms  are caught early & treatment is provided wouldn’t that prevent some from doing things that would land them in jail? early treatment; wouldn’t that prevent someone from being housed improperly which in many cases they end up homeless? If someone is treated early, it is possible to have the person placed in a group home and the person can manage their illness and life a good quality of life. For the simple reason that Knowing about something, you can be aware of a solution! So many homeless have had a MH condition that was untreated, leading to instability threw out life   resulting in actions leading to incarceration, homelessness, being bullied, forced into doing things, they do not want to do (as many vulnerable are forced) Just like the ones forced into the Teaneck Synagogue incident.) Jails should not be the top MH facilities or for the Mentally ill at all for that matter.  This Bill should educate students and over all enhance quality of life and well being.

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Here are some agencies that may be able to help you with MH in Bergen..

Bergen County Division of Mental Health proudly supports the agencies listed below.

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