HRG Community Resources, Guide & More

We find Resources for low income, homeless and report news about local trends and what's going on in the community

Summer is here! time to stay hydrated! Also, Don’t forget about the “Meet the Social Worker Intern” Program at JPL

NJ 211 will have cooling centers when the time comes, Bergen county also lists them as other counties do as well. contact 211 or! LET’S GET NJ TO SIGN CODE RED INTO LAW!

Starting to get warm out, Stay hydrated (as you should all year around) especially when it becomes hot people on medications esp. psych meds, need to drink plenty of water. #CodeRed is not really a thing in NJ but counties and municipalities are planning their cooling centers and there will plenty of resources for hot weather events. NJ counties have  cooling centers, but  NJ Counties do not have a #CodeRed law!

Starting to get warm out, Stay hydrated (as you should all year around) especially when it becomes hot people on medications esp. psych meds, need to drink plenty of water. #CodeRed is not really a thing in NJ but counties and municipalities are planning their cooling centers and there will plenty of resources for hot weather events. NJ counties have  cooling centers, but  NJ Counties do not have a #CodeRed law!

bringing water

It wont be long before it get extremely hot out! If you can donate bottled water, here are some good local organizations…

Transition professionals, Housing health & human services center, Operation chill out

Emmanuel Christian church, The River Mission  

Need a food pantry? have you checked out the HRG Media Group “meals on a budget series”..

Just some FYI’s:

YouTube videos you may want to check out please subscribe to my YouTube channel>   CLICK HERE


<The RESOURCE PAGE for MH and addiction services updated February 2021;

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