HRG Community Resources, Guide & More

We find Resources for low income, homeless and report news about local trends and what's going on in the community

What part of “We pay taxes for ending homelessness” do you not understand?

In case you missed it; Homeless are not “service resistant” The agencies we pay are….

Usually when homeless are resistant, Agencies have abused them emotionally. hat would Jesus do? The BRC has found their solution. While many mental Health agencies unknowingly (most likely) emotionally abusing the homeless but ignoring them in many cases or they are “to difficult” Granted, many Government and non profits are short staffed and unable to take the time to guide homeless threw the process every step of the way, While Chronic homeless have been “UN-labeled” because of Governmental changes in the definition as one example. Also many homeless have been housed improperly. With lack of supportive housing, lack of Group homes too many are put in the Generic HCV program when they need continuous support. When they become homeless again, the agency gets paid again. There should be a cap on this homeless failing scam. The one who suffers are the homeless. Who would not be angry if their case worker left the agency and no other case worker picked up their case? Who would not be angry if time and time again a homeless who needed stable permanent housing with case MGT. was put on the TRA program and was dumped after a couple years because they were not housed properly over and over again. Next time you see a homeless on the street, don’t rush to judgment that they are lazy or just want a free ride. hear their story, take the time and contact agencies that can help them. Many suffer from MH conditions. During these Covid times, as we know, tens of thousands of NJ’rs could become homeless any time for various reasons. There are resources available. NYU had done a study in 2019 proving that some of the “just get housing, it’s that simple” mentality of “steriotypers” of homeless are misconceptions and how it is not that simple. Hoboken on the other hand had proven that the true “Housing First” model is working quite well; Go out with vouchers, get them housing, assess them, get them case managers, social workers and tailor a housing plan to evolve with the former homeless. Their prototype without hoops was called “Friendly Faces“! Continue…..

“For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.” Matthew 25:35

As the Temps rise, it’s a good reminder that if you are on medications, especially psych. meds as well. it is important to STAY HYDRATED! NJ still does not have a #CodeRed in place, but during the Covid_19 pandemic, 211 has resources that may help. First of all drink plenty of water. Secondly, If you feel you are having a physical emergency, Valley Hospital emphasizes that you should seek treatment and they assure you that they are taking every precaution so you , should not ignore emergency care if you need the ER!

Continued; Granted, many Government and non profits are short staffed and unable to take the time to guide homeless threw the process every step of the way, While Chronic homeless have been “UN-labeled” because of Governmental changes in the definition as one example. Also many homeless have been housed improperly. With lack of supportive housing, lack of Group homes too many are put in the Generic HCV program when they need continuous support. When they become homeless again, the agency gets paid again. There should be a cap on this homeless failing scam. The one who suffers are the homeless. Who would not be angry if their case worker left the agency and no other case worker picked up their case? Who would not be angry if time and time again a homeless who needed stable permanent housing with case MGT. was put on the TRA program and was dumped after a couple years because they were not housed properly over and over again. Next time you see a homeless on the street, don’t rush to judgment that they are lazy or just want a free ride. hear their story, take the time and contact agencies that can help them. Many suffer from MH conditions. During these Covid times, as we know, tens of thousands of NJ’rs could become homeless any time for various reasons. There are resources available. NYU had done a study in 2019 proving that some of the “just get housing, it’s that simple” mentality of “steriotypers” of homeless are misconceptions and how it is not that simple. Hoboken on the other hand had proven that the true “Housing First” model is working quite well; Go out with vouchers, get them housing, assess them, get them case managers, social workers and tailor a housing plan to evolve with the former homeless. Their prototype without hoops was called “Friendly Faces“!

There is definitely a shortage of Social workers! One program that can help is P.A.T.H.; [Project for Assistance in Transition from Homeless (PATH) Program] In Bergen County P.A.T.H. does homeless outreach as well as homeless prevention outreach and assessment! Each county has P.A.T.H. AS well. In Bergen call: 201-646-0333. If you need an assessment, a Mental Health clinic for non emergencies, homeless can utilize the “Urgent care clinic” of CBH care 7 days a week. call: (201) 957-1800. please note, the wellness clinic is not a medical emergency facility!

CLICK HERE To download our NEW HRG Community Resource Guide 2021 PDF!!

NOTE: NJ 211 will have cooling centers when the time comes, Bergen county also lists them as other counties do as well. contact 211 or! LET’S GET NJ TO SIGN CODE RED INTO LAW! It is very important to stay hydrated as well! It wont be long before it get extremely hot out! If you can donate bottled water, here are some good local organizations; Transition professionalsHousing health & human services centerOperation chill outEmmanuel Christian churchThe River Mission  ….

Have you checked out our HRG Media Group Meals On A budget Series…